Friday, September 23, 2011

A Niche in Time, saves Stein.


You would think they added a new constellation to the Zodiac or something.

First off, the CERN claim of a possible discovery of a superluminal neutrino has been way overblown by the media.


They published a paper with a very odd result and want Femilab, and other teams to look at their results and see if they can be duplicated.

Is it possible that they discovered something that travels faster than the speed of light?  Sure.  I hope it is confirmed because that is just damn neat.  But until there is confirmation, a year or five from now (science moves slow y'all), Einstein has not been overturned, and the world will go on, much as it has. 

And the odds are that it is a problem in the computations or experimental setup that caused this weird result, and someone will redo the math (it's always about the math), and clear things up.

Just file this under "Those wacky scientists and their science."
