Thursday, July 25, 2013

Plans within Plans...

As I have been thinking about the best way to move forward with this project, the one thing that keeps coming back to me is:  Just do it, and do it on a schedule.  Hence 'The Plan'

I figure that 3 days a week is a good initial starting point.  Not so much that it would burn me out quickly, and just enough to force me to keep writing.  Now I admit that a lot of what I put here may and/or may not be of any interest to anyone but me...such is the solopsistic nature of TeH Interwebz.

Mondays and Fridays are going to be school-story based, looking ahead and behind at the week.  Wednesdays will be the Sciencey portion (and might be of more general interest).  I'll take a topic or a current item and do some research and give my thoughts on it and explain it as best I can for a more general audience.

And in keeping with the Title;  if there is something that you want featured for the Wednesday post...go ahead and Ask Me (a Scientician)

So there you have it: 
My plan.


THE Plan.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Not a Re-launch

Since life, school and other things got in the way (which however, are exactly the things this blog is supposed to be about)...I have not spent any time here in the past 16+ months.

I hope however to change that with a bit more dedication to regaling you with tales of the math-based insanity that is my life.  School starts in just over 3 weeks, and it's a jam-packed semester of Physics.

So, it's not so much of a re-launch of 'Ask a Scientician' as it is a Cold-reboot.