Friday, September 23, 2011

A Niche in Time, saves Stein.


You would think they added a new constellation to the Zodiac or something.

First off, the CERN claim of a possible discovery of a superluminal neutrino has been way overblown by the media.


They published a paper with a very odd result and want Femilab, and other teams to look at their results and see if they can be duplicated.

Is it possible that they discovered something that travels faster than the speed of light?  Sure.  I hope it is confirmed because that is just damn neat.  But until there is confirmation, a year or five from now (science moves slow y'all), Einstein has not been overturned, and the world will go on, much as it has. 

And the odds are that it is a problem in the computations or experimental setup that caused this weird result, and someone will redo the math (it's always about the math), and clear things up.

Just file this under "Those wacky scientists and their science."


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tenser said the Tensor

It's been quite a while, what with the planning and the moving and the mugging and the planning to move etc...  But here we are again.

I'm about 8 days out from my early move in, and very pleased that I got moved to a 1 Bedroom Apt./Dorm.  2.5 weeks till the start of classes.  Speaking of...whats on the academic agenda for the semester?

Organic Chemistry I: This class frightens me already. An order of magnitude in difficulty over General Chemistry I/II.  I still can't remember half of the stuff from Gen Chem as it is. This one is going to be a non-stop orgy of memorization of reactions, and functional groups on top of working on the homework over and over every day. And then of course all the lab work as well.
Credits:5      Study Rating: 8/10     Worryometer Rating:7/10

Pre-calculus/Calculus I:  This is the remedial math class for IIT.  But I am happy that I get to spend 2 semesters really getting the Calc. down since I have a lot more math to take over the next 8 years.  Having attempted Calc twice before I should be slightly ahead of the curve on this one. Though this does mean that I have to cram in Calculus II over the summer semester next year to be able to keep up with my Physics classes and Physical Chemistry I/II next year.  Still, I will be awash in a sea of Functions and Trigonometry from morning till night.
Credits:5      Study Rating: 9/10     Worryometer Rating:6/10

Materials Science: A class more for engineers than chemists but it seems pretty interesting and I needed an elective, plus I might end up doing some research down the road on Nanotechnology.  Lots of info that I already know from General Chemistry I/II about atomic theory, molecular bonding and lattice structures.  The latter 2/3 of the class is all structural deformation, stress fractures and the like.  I don't even feel like I need to mention it at this point....but there is of course...A LOT OF MATH (sigh)
Credits:3      Study Rating: 5/10     Worryometer Rating:5/10

Introduction to Programing: A required class for all students at IIT.  It seems like a fairly straightforward C++ programing class, and the Design & Analysis thereof.  Will most assuredly take up some time but I'm pretty confident I can get through it.  And although I love me some computing...I'm not going into Computer Science for a reason here kids.
Credits:2      Study Rating: 6/10     Worryometer Rating:3/10

Introduction to Naval Science:  A Naval ROTC class I just registered for, since I needed 2 credits to get to my required 15 per semester.  I'm still on the waitlist for Analytical Chemistry, and I will drop this and take that if I can get in for sure.  This class is going to be a major blowoff class for me.  All my years of studying Military History (remember if you will the first 8 years I spent in college back in the 80's & 90's), and working for the Navy for 10 years will serve me well.  "Role of the Navy?" Got it.  "Major Classifications of Naval Vessels?" Got it.  I only wonder if I will have to do jumping jacks, and sit ups, and run's a 7:30 AM class.  I might actually even get booted from the class since I am too old for active duty and have no desire to actually join NROTC...I should probably talk to the Battalion Commander after I get settled.  Oh!  NO MATH!  Excelsior!
Credits:2      Study Rating: 2/10     Worryometer Rating:0/10 

And that right there is all 15 credits of my first semester at IIT.  Flimshaw.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

5,000 Quatloos on the Hu-man!

Well, most of the money situation has been resolved.   Managed to get a total of $27,000 in grants & scholarships and $13,000 in student loans so far for the year at IIT.  However...I absolutely cannot live in the dorms with an 18 year old roommate.  So I'm still trying to figure a way to come up with the rest of the $12,000 or so I need to have a studio apartment on campus and full meal plan, so I don't have to worry about a roof over my head and a full belly.

Applying for this $38,000 Presidential Scholarship might just do the trick. *fingers crossed*

I did find out that I can't get an unfurnished apartment, so it looks like my bed, bookcases & TV are all that are coming with me.  So what does this mean?

I need to chuck, donate or sell just about everything else I have by the beginning of  August.  Couch, table, dresser etc.  As well as getting rid of most of my books and other sundry.

Time to start living that Zen, monastic lifestyle all the kids are talking about nowadays.

PS....Buy my stuff!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Avalanche....

So, received my info packet today.  Sent in my confirmation of acceptance, and got a bit giddy over the fact that I now have a $14,000 transfer/honor society scholarship.  Still need to find more $$ (without selling 110% of my plasma) to pay for the rest of tuition, not counting housing and food.  Urgh.

So this summer, I will prune down my 550+ books to 100.  Sell off my comics, and my stamps and my DVD's.

Worst part of today has been that the 'Graduate/Adult' housing comes furnished.  I have too much crap to put into do I try and work a deal to find a gutted apartment? Or try and finagle a way to get enough student loan $$ to pay my monthly apartment living expenses and stay where I have lived for the past 11 years.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

And so it begins.

The big day finally arrived and after 6 months of gut-wrenching nervousness I received a mistaken email informing me that I have been accepted to the Illinois Institute of Technology for the Fall 2011 semester.  Mistaken in that my admissions advisor was not supposed to send the email for another week.  After double checking with him he did tell me that my acceptance packet went out today and that the email could be considered an official notification.

I am super excited but also a bit freaked out as I have a lot of things to wrap up and take care of before I move on campus in August.  Furniture, books and general junk to either sell, store, toss out or take with me.

So stay tuned here for updates and hijinks's.   Still need to finish this semester at Truman, find a job for the summer and spend some time on IIT's campus figuring things out as my life is about to undergo a major change.