Thursday, April 28, 2011

5,000 Quatloos on the Hu-man!

Well, most of the money situation has been resolved.   Managed to get a total of $27,000 in grants & scholarships and $13,000 in student loans so far for the year at IIT.  However...I absolutely cannot live in the dorms with an 18 year old roommate.  So I'm still trying to figure a way to come up with the rest of the $12,000 or so I need to have a studio apartment on campus and full meal plan, so I don't have to worry about a roof over my head and a full belly.

Applying for this $38,000 Presidential Scholarship might just do the trick. *fingers crossed*

I did find out that I can't get an unfurnished apartment, so it looks like my bed, bookcases & TV are all that are coming with me.  So what does this mean?

I need to chuck, donate or sell just about everything else I have by the beginning of  August.  Couch, table, dresser etc.  As well as getting rid of most of my books and other sundry.

Time to start living that Zen, monastic lifestyle all the kids are talking about nowadays.

PS....Buy my stuff!

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