Tuesday, April 19, 2011

And so it begins.

The big day finally arrived and after 6 months of gut-wrenching nervousness I received a mistaken email informing me that I have been accepted to the Illinois Institute of Technology for the Fall 2011 semester.  Mistaken in that my admissions advisor was not supposed to send the email for another week.  After double checking with him he did tell me that my acceptance packet went out today and that the email could be considered an official notification.

I am super excited but also a bit freaked out as I have a lot of things to wrap up and take care of before I move on campus in August.  Furniture, books and general junk to either sell, store, toss out or take with me.

So stay tuned here for updates and hijinks's.   Still need to finish this semester at Truman, find a job for the summer and spend some time on IIT's campus figuring things out as my life is about to undergo a major change.

1 comment:

  1. So many things to do, but for such a superawesome (--- technical, sciencey term) reason. A thousand congratulations! May your lab coat shine with the brilliance if a thousand suns!

    Krissy Poopyhands
