Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I'd like to thank Lord Kelvin...

You know how when you are sitting around reading the latest article about Pauley Perrette and you say to yourself:

"Self...I love that woman with the heat of a thousand suns.  Someday, she will cease being #4 on my list of 'Top 5 Pretend Hollywood Girlfriends' and become my wife. Get going on those patents!"

Do you know how hot a thousand suns are?

1 Solar mass @ 8,000 degrees C x 10^3 = 8.0x10^6 degrees Centigrade.

Or 7,999,726.95 Kelvin.  That is hot.

Trust me.

So think about that before you glibly decide to mentally incinerate someone you love.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

2+2=5 (For very large values of 2)


I added a Derivative Calculator over on the right hand side of the blog, for all your derivative calculating needs.  Need to know the 4th, 5th, and 6th derivatives of an equation of motion? (called snap, crackle, and pop...a factoid that amuses me to no end) is your chance.


Because IIT is such a Math-heavy school, what calculus class would be complete without some software that you have to learn and use for your homework and labs?  Welcome to Mathematica 8!

If you ever wanted to learn how to program a computer to solve complex problems both in the real world and, you know, for fun...then this is the software for you.

I just had my first Calculus lab class yesterday and I am still working my way through the introduction to the specific coding of the programing language.

This program is insanely expensive (on the order of several thousand $$ for an Industry-level version), but we get the student version for free...which is all kinds of awesome.  I am looking forward to sinking my teeth into this program over the years, and I imagine that it is going to come in very handy.  It sure can do a lot of purty things...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Each an explorer

Ad Astra
Had a meeting with my unofficial Astrophysics advisor to work out the class schedule I need to prepare for Grad school.  Looks like I will be able to graduate more or less on time in the Spring of 2015 with the B.S. in Chemistry and a "double minor" (there is no such thing) in Physics, and Applied Mathematics.  Though, if for some reason I need to graduate ASAP, I think I can just get a regular B.S. in Chem. by the Spring of 2014.

So, I am actually winding down my Chem class load after this year, no more than 2/semester...and starting to ramp up the Physics and Math.  Probability, Statistics, Complex Analysis, Computational Physics, & Computational Chemistry.  Taking those computational & statistics classes will make me extremely well prepared for Astrophysics Grad work according to my advisor.

Sunday with a Scientician
Lately I have become obsessed with Cold Seeps/Brine Lakes.  This is just fucking insane.  Areas of Hypersaline water (~121 practical salinity units vs. the average 30-35 psu for sea water) at the bottom of the ocean.  So you have a "lake" with its own ecosystem and tides, 3000-7000 feet below the surface of the sea.

Did I mention yet how fucking insane this is?  No?  It me.

This is what I love about science.  No matter how much you think you know, there is always something weirder out there to screw with your head.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Let me explain...

Halfway into the first week of classes, and I have to say I am pretty fired up this semester at what is ahead of me.  All the classes are interesting and both Calculus, and Organic Chem seem to be finally clicking in my brain.  Maybe that's just a side effect of actually studying this time around and doing the work right away rather than at the last minute.

However.  While I am used to the blank looks I get from students when I tell them that I am planning on going into Astrophysics for grad school, and concentrating in Astrochemistry...I am a little bit shocked that all of my new professors this semester have no idea what I am talking about.  Mind you, these are people with PhD's in Chemistry.  "I have no idea what that is." being the words that come out of their mouths.  Granted, it is a bit of an obscure sub-discipline...

So, to make it clear...let me explain.  These are the three main fields where Chemistry and Astrophysics/Astronomy converge (in brief):

Astrochemistry:  The chemistry of stars, stellar populations, and galaxies.  The study of the chemical makeup of the interstellar medium (molecular gas clouds and the like).

Cosmochemistry:  The chemistry of non-planetary objects within our solar system.  Chemistry of asteroids, comets, Kuiper-belt objects, and the Oort cloud.

Planetary (Geo) Chemistry:  While the Geochemistry deals with the solid surface/sub-surface of planets, the other portion deals with atmospheric chemistry.  This could be considered the non-terrestrial version of the field of Environmental chemistry.

While my specific research will depend on where I end up for grad school (University of Hawaii?!?), my current  interest is the chemical evolution of galaxies.  Older galaxies that formed soon after the big bang have 1st generation stars composed only of Hydrogen & Helium, while 2nd and 3rd generation stars have a much more complex chemical makeup.  Honestly I could study any of this stuff and still be happy.

I does turn out, however, that I get to pick my own topic for my research paper for my Chem. Literature Methods class.  I have to clear it with my Prof., but I think I am going to spend the semester working on a paper regarding the 'Chemical Dynamics of the Methological Cycle in the Atmosphere of Titan' ie. the Methane rain on Saturns moon Titan.  You know....this stuff.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

If music be the food...

The Music

Decided to try and sell my left-handed Fender acoustic guitar.  I bought this thing right when I lost my job 2 years ago, convinced that I would have all the free time in the world to finally learn how to play it.  However.  I also bought my X-box when I lost my job (as you do), and the X-box won out over the guitar in the battle for how I wasted my time.  So since I barely even have enough time for school this semester, I am just going to try and get some money for it and free up some space.

The Food

While I did gain 10 pounds within the first 1.5 weeks last semester, gorging myself on dining commons epicuria (not to be confused with actual food), I have completely lost my taste for what they serve.  Since I now have an income, and an underused kitchen in my apartment-dorm...I'm just going to cook more for myself from now on.  Lowered my meal plan from 14/week to 5/week.  The breakfast in the commons seems to be the only meal they can't fuck I'll still have that at least.  The major plus to this is that I am now getting an extra $1,600 back as a refund at the end of the month.  Paying off and closing out one of my two credit cards is finally going to happen.

The Love

*This Space for Rent*

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Long Live the New Flesh

Having managed to finally shake off my yearly holiday blues, due in no small part to being back on campus, there is lots to do and take care of before classes start on Monday.

The Job

I managed to squeeze in a weeks worth of training into 2 days.  And as I was told I didn't even have to take the final test for this new job (awesomeness has its perks), the good folk at IIT TV let me pick up some shifts this week.  I sit in front of a console and videotape lectures for internet classes at IIT.  Its like getting paid to audit a class.  I managed to pick up two shifts today (Chem. Eng 333: Process Modeling and System Theory, and Chem. Eng 577: Bioprocess Engineering)...putting the rudiments of Bioreactor design (among other things) on the list of obscure things I now know about.  Two more Chem E. classes to tape tomorrow, and then I get my regular schedule for the semester...the same classes week after week. I don't know what subject they will be in, but that hardly matters.  It's a science nerds dream. #videodrome

 The Classes

Pre-Calc/Calc II:  Finishing up what is essentially Calc I.  Definite integrals and applications, Implicit and inverse functions.  Antiderivatives & first order differential equations.  Mathtastic!

Organic Chemistry II: Ugh.  Even as a Chem major I hate Orgo.  This semester will be tougher than last semester, but I have allocated even more time to really study for it.  I absolutely need to know this stuff inside and out.  A lot more synthesis reactions this time around...on the order of 20+ per week. :/

Organic Chem. Lab: "Techniques for advanced organic preparations".  For all my dislike of Orgo, I do love my lab classes and that's where I really shine.  Looking forward to this class, even though it's going to be a lot of lab report writing.

Analytical Chemistry: Math & Chemistry combined.  Statistical and quantitative examinations of lab data.  Again, another lab class that I intend to ace. And from what I hear, it's a pretty interesting class too boot.

Modern Techniques in Chemical Literature: Yeah, even I don't know what that means.  Its a research techniques class that is required for all chem majors...although they are trying to phase it out of the curriculum as its kind of dated.  There are only 4 of us in the class, and from what I hear, the Prof. tends to sleep during the class anyway.  One final term paper and that's it as far as classwork goes.  This one is my blow-off class this semester.

After my less than stellar showing grade-wise last semester (2.3 GPA), I sat down and figured out that if I can get at least a B in Calc & Org. II, and A's in all my other lab classes...I'll end up with a 3.5 for the semester (Deans List!), and more importantly get my overall GPA up to a 3.0.  I cant settle for anything less than that if I plan on grad school.  So keep your fingers crossed for me and nag me as needed to stay on track.

The New Year

Well 2011 certainly had its ups and downs...though in retrospect it was mostly up (apart from the whole Mugging thing).  I'm where I need to be...just need to stick to my plan and work harder this semester than I ever have before.  I realized after last semester that I can't just keep skating by on my intrinsic smarts...I need to study this stuff every day even if I am not in the mood.  That's one of the resolutions I made.  Another is to keep up on this blog on a regular basis, weekly if not more often.  I need a non-facebook outlet and just a place to write and empty my brain from time to time.  A couple of other resolutions in the works, but I'm keeping those under my hat for the time being.
