Sunday, January 15, 2012

Each an explorer

Ad Astra
Had a meeting with my unofficial Astrophysics advisor to work out the class schedule I need to prepare for Grad school.  Looks like I will be able to graduate more or less on time in the Spring of 2015 with the B.S. in Chemistry and a "double minor" (there is no such thing) in Physics, and Applied Mathematics.  Though, if for some reason I need to graduate ASAP, I think I can just get a regular B.S. in Chem. by the Spring of 2014.

So, I am actually winding down my Chem class load after this year, no more than 2/semester...and starting to ramp up the Physics and Math.  Probability, Statistics, Complex Analysis, Computational Physics, & Computational Chemistry.  Taking those computational & statistics classes will make me extremely well prepared for Astrophysics Grad work according to my advisor.

Sunday with a Scientician
Lately I have become obsessed with Cold Seeps/Brine Lakes.  This is just fucking insane.  Areas of Hypersaline water (~121 practical salinity units vs. the average 30-35 psu for sea water) at the bottom of the ocean.  So you have a "lake" with its own ecosystem and tides, 3000-7000 feet below the surface of the sea.

Did I mention yet how fucking insane this is?  No?  It me.

This is what I love about science.  No matter how much you think you know, there is always something weirder out there to screw with your head.

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